Most kids, teens and young adults are very familiar with the counXBOX One game consolestless hours of fun that can be had with a great gaming console. Most kids, teens and young adults also know the agony of putting up with an obsolete game console that won’t run the latest and best new games while their friends have fun playing on the newest consoles and running the newest games. That burden can be lifted with a simple rental from so that you or your kids don’t have to be stuck playing old, outdated games while others are online using the newest consoles.

Top Gaming Consoles Available for Weekly Rentals

For as little as $15 per week, new Microsoft XBox, Nintendo Wii and Sony PS4 gaming consoles can be in your home and running your favorite games with even better gaming consoles available for only a few dollars more per week. Instead of sitting with the older versions of either three, you, your kids and your friends can have a great time playing the newest versions of the most popular gaming consoles and run the latest games that are out on the market. When used in moderation, gaming consoles can be some of the most entertaining and worthwhile items in any home’s entertainment arsenal.

Upgrading Systems Is Easier With Rented Consoles

When it’s so easy to rent a new gaming console, it’s comforting to know that you can get the newest gaming console whenever you feel the need by simply returning your rental and swapping it out for a new, better model and keep having a great deal of fun. You don’t have to wait in line at the local store or wave up hundreds of dollars to buy a new gaming console that will become obsolete and be nearly worthless in a couple of years. Instead, you can rent a new one and just trade it in for a new one when the latest models of new gaming consoles are put on the market.

How often do you find yourself wishing you had a new game console?