curved tv sonyThis year Curved TV mania exploded in electronic stores across the country. Critics have raved over the television’s curved technology and advanced viewing optimization, claiming these Curved TVs a television revolution. But are these TVs just another gimmick to get us to dish out thousands on low quality electronics? got the scoop on these Curved TVs to discover if they’re worth all the media hype.

Submerged in Television

If you’re searching for the trophy wife of televisions, Samsung’s Curved TV is definitely your top pick. Behold–78 inches of sparkling 4K Ultra High Definition gracefully arching from end to end in brilliant color resolution. With a clear motion rate of 960, Samsung’s Curved TV draws you into the nucleus of crystal clear entertainment technology, hypnotizing your senses as you submerge into the television. The beauty of this TV is a hard opinion to argue. By far more satisfying than the 3-D television and other one-note TV inventions, the Curved TV makes you feel closer to the action, delivering a compelling viewing experience like no other.

Design Revolution or Awkward Engineering?

While the curved design promotes optimized viewing from any seat in the house, consumers complain that the Curved TV is actually hard to watch. Depending on your location, say if you’re far on the right or left of the TV, you miss out on the TV’s sharpness and you’ll find geometric issues in the design. So if you’re not sitting in the TV’s “sweet spot” you’re basically dealing with the same issues every TV poses for its viewers: blinding glares, diluted colors and sometimes grainy or pixilated images. Sony’s Curved TVs are said to have fixed this issue by designing a gentler curvature that provides clearer vision.

Curved TV and a Flat Wallet

You won’t have to worry about keeping up with the Jones’ if you dish out big bucks for these Curved TVs. Average prices for these beauties range anywhere from $4,000 to $8,000. Not to mention the warranties and extras you’ll need to keep it running smoothly overtime. Getting it professionally mounted or installed in an entertainment will be no cheap chore either. When you’re all said and done, the Curved TV can cost you close to $10,000. But the money’s worth it, right? Critics are on the fence. While Curved TVs are dream come true for television fans everywhere, financing this electronic might be too ridiculous for most people’s budget. And even if you had the money, consumers say its too early to go wild with Curved TV fever. Technological advancements over the next few years will bring us more efficient Curved TVs of the future. In the end, you and your wallet will be glad you waited.

What’s your opinion on the Curved TV?