When you are looking for a new flatscreen TV to make your home viewing experience better, don’t make the mistake of getting the wrong size television for your home or apartment. Many people like to buy the largest TV they can afford regardless of cost or need, and that can be a big mistake. When it comes to buying the right size TV for your home, the two most important factors are picture quality and viewing distance. When you assess both factors, it is much easier to buy a TV that will work great and not leave you with any regrets about whether or not you made the right choice.

Picture Quality Equals Closer Viewing Ability

esq-football-tv-beer-020311-xlgWith old tube-based standard-definition TVs, the close you sat to them, the more likely you were to notice the viewing lines and pixels that made up the television screen. The further away you sat, the sharper the picture appeared — within reason. But modern televisions with 1080p and ultra high-definition screens produce much sharper and clearer images, making it possible to sit much closer and still see a sharp image instead of pixels and images lines constantly refreshing as is the case with older standard definition television. But most people still want to be a comfortable distance from the TV and still see a great picture.

Viewing Distance Dictates Screen Size

For most people, a 42-inch high-definition TV will provide as good of a viewing screen as ever would be needed. But some homes have larger great rooms that can fit many family members, friends and other guests, and buying a TV that is as large as you can afford will work fine in most cases. Seldom, if ever, will you hear someone complaining about the viewing screen being too large. On the other hand, for those who want to sit comfortable and watch your favorite movies, sports and programs, a 32-inch screen should work fine when viewed from no more than seven feet away. Add about six inches in screen size for every additional foot away from the TV, and you will have a good general idea of the right size screen for your home.

What size screens are on the TVs in your home and what to you watch most often?